Udon Thani/ Thailand Useful Information

We've collected the links/information that we think would be useful to our members and anyone who wishes to stay in Thailand

Useful Phone Numbers

We've collected a number of phone numbers you might find handy to have.

Click here to see them.

Udon Thani Immigration Bureau

As an Expat living in Udon Thani, you must visit the immigration department every year to renew your visa and check-in every 90 days. failure to do this can result in a fine and/or revocation of your visa.

Follow this link for contact information and map to the immigration office

Tourist Police

Thailand established a special bureau of the police specifically to assist visitors to Thailand. This is called the Tourist Police. This bureau is trained to deal with problems involving foreigners and usually has staff who can speak languages besides Thai.

Follow this link for contact information and map to the Tourist Police office

Department of Land Transportation

Official Thailand Covid 19 Information

Click on this logo for the Thailand Public Relations Department Facebook Page which contains a daily video update in English on the current Covid 19 situation in Thailand. Here is the link to the official web site for the department. But it is much easier to find the English language video by clicking on the logo.

Udon Thani Chamber of Commerce

For those interested in setting a business in Udon Thani, the chamber of commerce can be an invaluable resource.